Pre & Postnatal Doula
Combining all of my knowledge, support and skills in pregnancy, birth and the 4th trimester, i am delighted to offer you bespoke support, tailored to suit your needs.
As a registered birth doula, FEDANT accredited Antenatal teacher and Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga teacher, i have been a part of thousands of women's journeys into motherhood, and now i'm thrilled to be able to offer more 1-1 support.
What is a doula?
I offer emotional and physical support for you during your Pregnancy or after the birth of your baby.
Becoming a mother can be an anxious and emotional time, it can feel overwhelming trying to prepare for the birth and life with a baby.
With my personalised approach I can help you to overcome any concern you feel about birth, and help you get both physically and emotionally ready. Pregnancy and birth can be a positive, uplifting and transformative experience, but at the heart of this is good preparation and an inner confidence.
My aim with the Pregnancy doula support is for you to feel excited, capable and calm about your pregnancy and birth. Supported with fact-based knowledge you will approach pregnancy and birth with an inner confidence and calm quality, feeling like a strong powerful mother, connected to her baby and body. Your birthing experience will be focused on YOU the birthing mother and your babies connection.
If you're looking for more support from a Postnatal doula, i can be on hand to help make tea, run a healing bath, prepare lunch, put a clothes wash on, offer support for feeding or at appointments, or just be a shoulder to lean on, as i help you navigate your way through early Motherhood.​
For any questions, or for a free 30 minute call please contact me via email or through the website.